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Home of Oracle Business Funding

Oracle Business Funding, Inc.

Three steps to funding….

  1. We provide profitable enterprises to funding to grow.

  2. How we do it – By focusing on results and showing enterprises how to measure profitability month to month.

  3. What our clients achieve.

– Funding necessary for sustainable growth.

What we require? Provide us the most recent six months of business checking account statements and OBF shall lead your business to the funding.

Tell us your story or show us your situation:

Have you ever been turned down by a bank?

Did your bank provide you a fraction of the funding sought?

Do you know the best time to seek funding?

Let OBF Show you the three ways lenders can view business checking account to determine the level in 5 minutes.

Do you know how to operate a business checking account?

Business loan consideration Process


1. Determine how much funding you require.

2. Decide how fast you need the small business loan.

3. Know your credit score.

4. Shop around for alternatives to a small business loan.

5. Read the fine print.

Types of loans offered.

loan types

There are many types of business loans. You need to know what is right for you. Your options include a business line of credit, business loan, real estate loans among others.

Each is fit for a different business circumstance, and comes with its own pros and cons. The right type of business loan for your business will depend on variables like what you qualify for, when you need the money and what you need it for.

Apply Now Application

app loan

There are many types of business loans. You need to know what is right for you. Your options include a business line of credit, business loan, real estate loans among others.

Each is fit for a different business circumstance, and comes with its own pros and cons. The right type of

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Buying a house is a big commitment, so before you start house hunting and comparing mortgage rates, take the time to examine your current situation and how it could change in the future. Ask yourself: Are you planning on any major life changes, like changing jobs or starting a family, in the next few years that could impact your financial situation? Can you commit to staying in a home for at least five years? Do you have a stable income? Are you confident you can handle house repairs (or can take the time to learn), or are you willing to pay a specialist when something breaks?